Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Small Business Saturday

With all the Hype of Holiday shopping on the horizon, it's important to remember the small businesses out there. Whether it's a small company online, or a local shop in your area. The small sale that you give them, means more than any sale that you give to a chain store. And chances are, the item you buy will be a more unique and cherished gift than any item that you get from a chain store.

So Swing by your local shop and pick up the perfect gift, whether it's a t-shirt, magazine, book, gift certificate, cool part or artwork. There are many unique gifts to be found in other places besides Wally World.

Have you thought about gifting a subscription to Lowside? Who wouldn't love that?

Looking for leather, head on over to and use the code lsm12 with your purchase for a free gift.

For more information about Small Business Saturday, check out this link:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


yeah the rico suave dude is down with the deaths head. he knew what was up. who knew?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Give us some feedback!

so issue 7 is just about ready, and its fucking killer. Lots of great event coverage in this issue. Did you get issue 6 yet? if so what'd you like about it? what'd you hate about it? we want some feedback gimie a shout at

The Lowside

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Balls. Big freaking Balls.

Garrett McNamara off the coast of Nazaré, Portugal, breaking a world record by riding a wave estimated to be 90 feet high.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011